The Local Government Association has called for doctors in England and Wales to offer overweight patients “green space” prescriptions to get them exercising outdoors.

Whether it’s walking, attending fitness classes or participating in activities in parks, doctors should be encouraging them to be more active, in a bid to tackle the nation’s obesity crisis.

Spokeswoman Izzi Seccombe said: “There are some instances where rather than prescribing a pill, advising on some type of moderate physical activity outdoors could be far more beneficial to the patient.

“There are already some good examples where this is being piloted in the UK and it is something we should consider on a nationwide basis.”

Research published in the British Medical Journal found that a “green space” prescription can improve a patient’s quality of life over 12 months and help people live longer, healthier lives.

Physical activity can help to prevent and manage over 20 chronic conditions and diseases, including some cancers, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and depression.

What are your thoughts on “green space” prescriptions? Do you think they will help combat the obesity crisis? Get in touch:

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