As part of stress awareness month, we asked employees within the business how they deal with stress in the workplace. From our Education Sales Director, to Nursing Area Leader, through to a Medical Recruitment Consultant, take a look at their hints and tips.


For me, having good support from my team helps a lot. If there’s anything work related that sends my stress levels out of hand I know I can seek support from my team and we can work out a solution between us. Having something to work towards keeps me motivated and the stress down, for example this course I am completing makes the stress worthwhile because I know I’m advancing my career.

IT Support

For me there is good and bad stress. Good stress is about being pushed to the limits, delivering and maintaining a high level of service, pushing the boundaries and winning battles. This is something I thrive on.

Bad stress makes me worry and feel out of control. At this point I will seek a conversation to run through the situation with the relevant person, HR, Compliance and Finance etc. Once I’ve done that I will sit down and try and work out a plan on how to manage the situation, giving me the control back. I never sweep it under the carpet as that just makes it worse in the long run, I tackle it head on and always try to remember if I can solve it, then the bad stress will go away and I can refocus and move on. I always try to remember however bad it can get there is always a solution and at the end of the day you have to put everything into perspective.

RC & Business Manager – Consultants

If I’m feeling stressed I find the best thing to do is to take five minutes to clear my head, so then I can have a clear thought out process.

Recruitment Consultant – Education

I think feeling stressed at work is inevitable but finding different coping mechanisms throughout the day definitely makes life a little easier. I have a few posters around my desk with positive thoughts, as thinking positively has definitely helped me through a few struggles. If you don’t think positive, you will not receive a positive outcome. Another way to cope with stress is just by taking five minutes to get your thoughts back together and not focus on the bad. As soon as you feel more level headed, you will be able to think better and work out what is causing you stress.

Referring back to the posters I actually printed the same one out for my whole team to have on their desks, not sure if it helped but it definitely put a smile on everyone’s face for a few hours.

Although sometimes stress can get the better of you and sometimes the above doesn’t work, talking to your team can help. Everyone you work with is in the same boat as you and may have had a similar situation, just talk to them and find how they resolved a similar issue. Talking always helps; bottling it doesn’t so by talking to someone I think it’s a great release.

Area Co-ordinator – Nursing

I find that stress is unavoidable in the modern working environment, but it is manageable. If managed correctly stress can be used to deliver good results rather than destroy your focus.

I always start each day with a task list of what I need to achieve with a timescale allotted to each task, making time allowances for interruptions in my working day. When I am prioritising my list I always work to the Eat the Frog model. “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first” The frog is that one thing you have on your to-do list that you have absolutely no motivation to do and that you’re most likely to procrastinate on. If you manage to achieve this first it takes the weight off your day, reduces stress and promotes a feeling of achievement.

If I find the day getting away with itself I re-evaluate my task list and pick the 3 -5 most important task to deal with, if it is important and urgent these get done first, followed by important but non urgent tasks. Anything else that I could not allocate time to do gets reprioritised on the next day’s list. Alongside this daily task list I also keep a long term project list and revisit this weekly to ensure I am on task with my long term goals and projects.

No matter how stressful a day becomes remember to take a perspective on what you are getting stressed about. Maintaining a healthy work life balance making time for family, friends and exercise is important to ensure you are achieving the best results at work. A quote someone once said to me always rings true when work stress begins to grow, “There is no point being the richest man in the graveyard!”

Sales Director – Education

I’m usually a calm person who doesn’t get stressed often, I deal with and reduce the likelihood of getting stressed by keeping my desk tidy and clutter free, this will helps keep my mind clear. I also keep a well-planned to-do list of everything I need to do in the day, the list does grow throughout the day, but I will highlight the most important tasks I need to prioritise and put ahead of everything else. If I ever feel like I’m getting overloaded with work, I take a few minutes away from my desk and go make myself a drink, or I will put aside the task that is stressing me out, move on to something else and come back to it later in the day.

Medical Apprentice

I find stepping away from my desk helps when I’m stressed; it’s amazing what a cup of tea or a breath of fresh air can do. Talking to someone and sharing your concerns or problems can takes the weight off of your shoulders and accepting the things I can’t change and remaining positive. I’ve taught myself that not every problem will result in the end of the world, and it’s ok that not everything will always go to plan.

Area Leader – Nursing

Making a list and prioritising tasks will help, especially when you start ticking off the tasks, as you feel like you are actually making headway. I find taking yourself away from your desk for a short while at lunchtime can help clear your head and leave you feeling more able to deal with situations when you return. When I am feeling stressed I share the problem with those around me, a problem shared is a problem halved!

Financial Controller

How do you manage stress? Get in touch with us today.

T: 01277 217777
