Athona Recruitment is continuing to operate as usual and will ensure there is no disruption to the service we provide. We will endeavour to keep this page up to date with any important messages from Athona, so please do check back regularly.

We would like to take this time to thank our candidates and clients, as well as our employees for your continued hard work in this unprecedented time.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Once again, thank you for everything you are doing and continue to do.

This information is correct as of 31/07/2020 16.00

For the latest information on the status of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK, please visit the Government website where information is updated daily.

You can also view the Government’s latest updates to Staying alert and safe (social distancing)

An exemption was originally put in place, at the beginning of June, which meant registered health and care professionals did not have to self-isolate when travelling to England from overseas.

Following the reopening of travel routes, and as more people begin to holiday abroad, the government has removed this exemption and, from 31 July, all registered health and care professionals must lawfully self-isolate when returning to England from a high-risk country.

The current list of countries exempt from self-isolation measures is available on GOV.UK. The data for all countries and territories is kept under constant review, and the exemptions list is updated with any changes on a regular basis as and when required to reflect the shifting international health picture.

Health and care professionals returning from a country which has a travel corridor to the UK will not be required to self-isolate on return.

We will keep our candidates and clients informed with any changes and ask that you continue to follow good hand hygiene and infection control measures.

If a health or social care worker develops symptoms of COVID they should follow these guidelines COVID-19: management of exposed staff and patients in health and social care settings

  • they should follow the stay at home guidance
  • while at home (off-duty), they should not attend work and notify their line manager immediately
  • while at work, they should put on a surgical face mask immediately, inform their line manager and return home
  • comply with all requests for testing

If a member of staff develops symptoms, they should be tested for SARS-CoV-2. Testing is most effective within 3 days of symptoms developing. Guidelines on who can get tested and how to arrange for a test can be found in the COVID-19: getting tested guidance you must participate in NHS test and trace if you have had close recent contact with someone who has COVID-19, healthcare workers must self-isolate if the NHS test and trace service advises you to do so. Close contact excludes circumstances where PPE is being worn in accordance with current guidance on infection, prevention and control.

If their symptoms do not get better after 7 days, or their condition gets worse, they should speak to their occupational health department if they have one or use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service. If they do not have internet access, they should call NHS 111. For a medical emergency they should call 999.

If, following a negative test result of a household member, a health or social care worker who has returned to work starts showing symptoms of COVID-19, they should follow the stay at home guidance and arrange to be tested themselves.

If a staff member who previously tested positive develops symptoms again, they should still self-isolate and be tested.

We also advise you to familiarise yourself with local Trust or Provider policies.

If you have any concerns or for more information or support, please contact Tracie Spires, Associate Director of Quality and Insourcing.

An important message from Athona Education’s Director

19th March, 2020


In these unprecedented times I am working to provide clarity and as much information as possible to you, our candidates. Firstly, I would like to take this time to thank you for your hard-work and continuing to support education establishments in these uncertain times and I hope you and your loved ones are well.

After the statement on Wednesday, 18th March by Education Secretary Gavin Williamson, I wanted to provide reassurance to you that my team and I will be doing everything possible to provide support and guidance during this challenging time. We are closely monitoring the situation and will continue to provide updates as and when they become available.

Right now, I know that it is an extremely difficult time for you and I want to reassure you that the Athona team will continue to be here as and when we are needed. Our team are still in the office and will continue to be, so please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

Kind regards,

Jeanette Holder.